This blog captures my journey to take a break from jewelry designing to learn something new. Join me as I learn the art of photography and Photoshop Elements and watch me create through my lens. ~ Dee

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photo Walk - Down By The River

Richmond is very historical and there's definitely no lack of photo opportunities to be had down near the James River.  If  you will allow me to refresh your memory, my last walk was a complete bust, so, this particular Saturday I left with the purpose of capturing some history and hopefully more useful shots than my last walk. I can remember putting a little more thought into looking through the lens and only when I was ready did I press the shutter release. I also only used Auto mode on this walk.

Again it was another very hot day in June, but I felt so much better this time when I got home and reviewed what was on my camera. Although the original shots came out a heck of a lot better than last time, I just couldn't resist adding some creativity with Photoshop Elements.   What do you think?  Can you see the progress in a week after reading  Scott Kelby's book

I saw color and I had to take this shot.  This rack of canoes capture the essence of what was happening on the river that day. I cropped in tight (photoshop) and this is what I got.  Next time, I would crop in before taking the photo, would have come out so much sharper. 

I saw windows, I saw brick, I saw stairs...I saw a great photo.  Not a lot of doctoring done to this picture, but definitely not as sharp as it could have been.  I was zoomed in to 35mm, but was still quite a distance away.

The original came out great, but the black and white is so much more eye catching.  This is a bronze statue in real life.  I was fairly close to the subject which is probably why it was so clear.  This photo was taken with my 18-55mm at 55mm.

Bricks, bricks bricks, photoshop!  I used style match in Photoshop Elements to get this effect. 

This old reuined wall at Tredgar Ironworks spoke history to me..what better way to capture it than with the use of Lomo Camera effect in Elements. 

As I stood on the side of tracks I saw an endless journey for someone...going someplace. When I was looking for a photo for this blog, it was a no brainer to use this image.   

possibilities in Photohop Elements...Lomo Camera effect again. 

Lesson Learned:  Take my will come. 


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