This blog captures my journey to take a break from jewelry designing to learn something new. Join me as I learn the art of photography and Photoshop Elements and watch me create through my lens. ~ Dee

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Blog!!

As if I needed anything else to do, I've started another blog...or maybe I should call it a journal?  Either way I'm doing two things I love...writing and taking pictures. 

My journey to where I am now, started with taking photos for my son's Elementary School Year book with a nikon 5400 point and shoot...three years of snapshots, gave me the itch.  I learned about photoshop, cropping and pixels.  My next phase, came with taking photos of my jewelry for my I learned a few things about aperture, lighting and macro shots.

 Annd then  I entered the world of DSLR....WOW!   I could have continued taking good, great shots, but what's the point in upgrading if you can't blow all the whistles?   For me, with any new toy comes a learning phase and that's what has brought me here blogging about my deeper journey into photography and taking a break from my at home business.

Just to give you an idea of who you're dealing with...yes I'm a bit anal when it comes to learning.  I figure if I'm going to get a new camera, bigger and better, what's a few extra bucks to learn how to use it?  Okay...maybe I went overboard, but these books, along with one other on my Kindle has opened my eyes to all the possiblities in the art photography. 

"This is how I learn"

Sooo, I invite you to join me as I learn about photography, show my progress and hiccups and share tips and secrets along the way. I welcome your feedback positive or negative (constructive would be nice)  tips and advice. But most of all this is my time to enjoy what I'm doing without the pressure! 

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