This blog captures my journey to take a break from jewelry designing to learn something new. Join me as I learn the art of photography and Photoshop Elements and watch me create through my lens. ~ Dee

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Goblins, Ghosts and Witches...Oh My!!

"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween."
~Author Unknown
Here in Virginia, all we have to do is drive to Kings Dominion to know that Halloween is just around the corner. I spent this past Saturday out with the teens.  Below are a few goblins I encountered on our visit.

Lesson Learned: 
Don't go to a haunted amusement park with a bunch of teenagers alone...they will use you for money then soon leave you alone with the goblins! 
Unveiling the scary,



  1. Man, you guys have some SCARY decorations in Virginia for Halloween o.O I can't imagine being a wee little one and coming upon those clown heads...o.O

    Now ME on the other hand, the scarier the better! ^.^

    1. What's crazy Kayla, is the amount of little kids that parents had there that night...amazed me.

  2. Wow! These are crazy scary looking! No way any kid would ever be able to drag me to a place like that LOL

  3. I guess Ashland Berry Farm and Scream Forest are definitely out of the question. They take you on a hayride to the woods, drop you off and you have to find your way back through a maze!!



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