This blog captures my journey to take a break from jewelry designing to learn something new. Join me as I learn the art of photography and Photoshop Elements and watch me create through my lens. ~ Dee

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Strangling too Quiet to Hear...

"Even then, more than a year earlier, there were neurons in her head, not far from her ears, that were being strangled to death, too quiet for her to hear them"
 - Lisa Genova (excerpt from Still Alice)
According to the Alzheimers Association's latest statistics, "there are 5.4 million americans living with alzheimers, 1 in 8 older american's has alzheimers and it is the sixth leading cause of death".   

"Alzheimers is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks nerve cells in neurons, that results in loss of memory, thinking and language skills and behavior changes" (facts from  More than half of all amercians know someone with alzheimers, and my family is a part of this statistic.  
My 74 year old mother recently participated in a Walk to End Alzheimers and I could not be more proud of her.  She and three of her siblings are sharing the responsibility of caring for their younger sister, so the walk was very personal to her. While we know now, that there were signs of the disorder earlier on, she was around 64 when diagnosed.   Actively employed with the Government for well over 30 years, it's been very heartbreaking to watch this disease take over her life. 
I did not participate in the walk, but I was there to capture the moment.  What stuck with me the most during the morning were the vibrant colors that represent the Alzheimers disease, a stark contrast to the reality of one dealing with the disorder, as well as the personal experience of family care givers. 

To find out more information about Alzheimers visit Also, Still Alice written by, Neuroscientist, Lisa Genova is also an excellent fiction book that captures a realistic portrait of the early onset of the disease. I was so engrossed in the pages of this book, that I read it in one day!   
Lesson Learned:
Giving back feels good.  There are many ways to be a part of something special.  On this day, while I did not participate in the walk, I contributed through my monetary donation, as well as captured some memorable moments for our local organization. 
Unveiling and giving,


  1. Alzheimer's is an awful disease maybe more for the family than the victim since in most cases they aren't aware of what's going on. My sister helps people redesign their homes for their family members that have the disease. Making it easier for them to get around comfortably.

    Nice photos Dee. Sorry to hear about your aunt.

    1. You are so right Vicki. We're at that point where she'll have to stop traveling to be cared for, as she tends to get confused when she comes back to my moms. I didn't know they had professions that did redesigning of the homes, sounds interesting.

    2. Thanks also for sharing Vicki!

  2. My great aunt Winona Mae, bless her heart, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and it was a struggle for many years for both my mom and her cousin who ended up taking care of her throughout her illness, which was a good 8 to 10 years.

    I was there when she died and it was an incredibly sad but peaceful feeling all at the same time because she suffered SO much.

    How amazing is it that your mom did that for her sister! Good for both of you to support such a worthy cause :)

  3. That's a very long time Kayla and I think my mom and aunts may be in the same position. Being older themselves it can sometimes be hard, especially when she gets moody, but their heart still wont allow them to put her in a home. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So many people do not know about this debilitating disease and thank you for shedding light on it. I know that it affects many people.

    1. Musiqal, thanks for stopping by. It's definitely been a learning experience for my family.



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