This blog captures my journey to take a break from jewelry designing to learn something new. Join me as I learn the art of photography and Photoshop Elements and watch me create through my lens. ~ Dee

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cloning Doesn't Have To Be A Bad Thing...

We've all heard about cloning in the news and watched the evil scientist in the movies; so the thought of cloning anything probably makes you a little scared.  If I told you I cloned something recently would you believe me?  Well I did and it took all of 5 minutes!!  Tonight while watching a video over at PPSOP (Picture Perfect School of Photography) I learned how to clone a photo!  Don't believe me...see for yourself. 

I took this photo last week at the zoo, and the glare from the window that was protecting me from these beautiful creatures, has been really bugging me.  Sure I could have removed the shield from my lense, but I probably would have missed the moment, and for obvious reasons the glass wasn't going anywhere!  Up until tonight, I was stuck with the eye sore, and never thought to to ask anyone. Does the glare bother you like it does me??

With the nifty little cloning tool (looks like a ink stamp in your tool box) in Photoshop Elements, I was able to clone other parts of the tigers body and cover up the glass glare.... that cool or what!!! 

It's by far not perfect, but it looks a whole lot better than the original photo.  If it weren't so late, I'd go through a ton more to see what else I can clone.  Maybe you yourself have a photo that has something in it like a pole, or a person or anything distracting that you wished wasn't there... Now you know of a tool that can just Clone it out!!

Lesson Learned  
Some things can be fixed.



  1. I love your tigers. I didn't notice the glass until you showed the next pic. Definitely makes a difference. I just got a camera and need to learn how to use it. Your blog will definitely be very helpful.

  2. Thank you and thanks for visiting. If you're able to learn anything from my blog, please feel free..we all have to start somewhere...have fun!



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