This blog captures my journey to take a break from jewelry designing to learn something new. Join me as I learn the art of photography and Photoshop Elements and watch me create through my lens. ~ Dee

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Digital Days Weekend Workshop

I had the pleasure last weekend to attend a Digital Days workshop here in Richmond, sponsored by Sony.  If you've seen their advertisements for coming to your city, you don't want to miss out.  The workshop covered a lot of beginner information for digital photography, but it also had a wealth of additional information for many that have been shooting for years.  They also gave some cool tips for workign in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.  I picked up a lot of new information and had a great time on the second day when they offered two model shooting opportunities.  Below are a few pictures from the weekend. 

Lesson Learned:
There is always something else to be learned. 



  1. You got some absolutely stunning shots of your models! I have to say, I think the first one is my favorite ^.^

    I love your parting thought; it's so true! :)

  2. Thanks Kayla. I hope you're feeling better this week!



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